Sunday, May 2, 2010

Cloudy but a great day!!

This is what the weather looked like all day--threatening to rain or snow. But there was very little wind. Still kept our jackets on.
The Fish Spotter working again.

She also has to take a "pit" stop now and then.

Here are two of the many that we caught today.
The last 20 minutes of the float, we fish with double dries. This is Lee Shawhan's split wing parachuted caddis. We caught a half a dozen fish on it.
Tough work spotting fish, so she had to take a little nap on the chair.
We started the morning out with a yellow stone and a micro-mayfly. After lunch we changed to a hot wire prince and a G.W. special. The water temp. at Texas Creek was 46 degrees.
Still no caddis'.